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Virtual African Productivity Conference 2023


Plenary Speakers


Program (pdf)


Paper Submissions


The leadership at ISEAPA is excited to host the second productivity conference centered around African productivity issues. The first was held in December 2021 and was quite successful.  The second 2023 conference also will be run entirely virtually. We expect a large and diverse body of participants to attend in 2023. Submissions on efficiency, productivity, growth, sustainability, development infrastructure, energy, population growth, urbanization and labor markets are highly encouraged. Our aim is to have a conference program that features all popular techniques and methodologies within the field, including stochastic frontier analysis and data envelopment analysis. We also welcome papers on broader issues related to measuring, understanding, incentivizing and improving the productivity and performance of firms, public services, and industries within Africa.

The program has been finalized and is located on the Program button for the conference.

On behalf of ISEAPA leadership, we look forward to “seeing” all participants in December.

Important dates:
Abstract submission and registration: September 26, 2023
Abstract submission closes: December 10, 2023
Notification of acceptance of late submissions: December 10, 2023
Registration deadline for presenters: December 10, 2023
Conference dates: Decemeber 14-16, 2023

Any questions or concerns regarding the conference may be addressed to Robin Sickles, the ISEAPA organizer, at

(713) 348-4875

Fax: (713) 348-5278


For administrative questions, please contact:


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Refund Policy - Refunds on seminars and conferences will be given if cancellation is received more than 72 hours prior to the event. Membership fees and donations will only be refunded on a case-by-case basis.

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