ISEPA Highlighted Courses


Previous Courses

Theory and Practice of Efficiency & Productivity Measurement: Static & Dynamic Analysis

From: Monday Jan 20, 2025 through Friday Jan 31, 2025 - 9:30 to 5:00


Alfons Oude Lansink

Frederic Ang

Subal Kumbhakar

Chris Parmeter


Universidad Santo Tomas

Av. Ejercito 146.

Santiago, Chile


Summer course, 2 weeks

Organized by Universidad Santo Tomas, Chile

In collaboration with Wageningen University, The Netherlands

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Everybody Wants Sustainable Productivity Growth - But How Can We Measure It?

From: Friday Mar 17, 2023 through Friday Mar 17, 2023 - 1:00 to 12:45


Arne Henningsen
Associate Professor
Department of Food and Resource Economics
University of Copenhagen

Location: Virtual - Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen

Cost: FREE

The presentation is based on joint work with Frederic Ang, Moriah Bostian, Hervé Dakpo, and Maria Vrachioli as well as on discussions within OECD - OCDE's Network on Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and the Environment.
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Productivity, Regulation and Economic Policy

From: Wednesday Nov 23, 2022 through Thursday Nov 24, 2022 - 1:00 to 12:00

Presenter: Invited speakers from academia, government organizations, regulators and professional economists

Location: Online and face-to-face at the School of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Cost: FREE but registration is required

The Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (CEPA) is hosting a two-day conference event. The conference theme will cover cutting edge research in productivity analysis as well as issues of regulation of energy markets, modeling of land and housing, affordability and selected topics in health inequality and productivity.
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System Approach to Efficiency and Productivity Measurement: Multi-Level Network Production Models

From: Monday Nov 21, 2022 through Tuesday Nov 22, 2022 - 1:00 to 12:00

Presenter: Prof. Chris O'Donnell and Dr, Antonio Peyrache


Online and face-to-face at the School of Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


Single day: $1,000

Two days: $1,500

Students: 50% discount

Staff: 25% discount

The Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (CEPA) is hosting a two-day workshop covering topics regarding productivity and efficiency measurement, including Production Theory, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and Index Number Theory, as well as topics in relation to multi-level production models using DEA, including industry efficiency models, parallel network models, series and dynamic network models, optimal allocation of resources and themes for future research.

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Frontiers of Big Data, AI and Analytics

From: Thursday Apr 28, 2022 through Thursday Apr 28, 2022 - 8:00 to 9:30

Presenter: Professor Soroush Saghafian, Havard University

Location: Online event

Cost: FREE

Machine Learning and AI tools have been vastly used in recent years to improve how societal problems are being addressed. In this talk, Professor Saghafian, who has been teaching a class at Harvard University entitled -Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics- discusses a verity of such examples. His talk brings attention to how public policy and public decision-making can benefit from the recent advancements in Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, and AI.

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Colin Clark Memorial Lecture presented by Professor Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University

From: Thursday Mar 03, 2022 through Thursday Mar 03, 2022 - 12:00 to 1:00


Professor Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University

Hosted by The University of Queensland's School of Economics

Topic: GDP-B: Accounting for the value of new and free goods in the digital economy

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Cost: FREE

Digital media consumes a huge portion of our lives with the average Australian spending almost 40 hours per week online. That is roughly the same amount of time as a full-time job spent on smartphone apps, searching Google, scrolling social media, following maps, studying online, streaming music, videos and more. But these goods and services go largely uncounted in official measures of economic activity such as GDP and productivity.

In this webinar, Professor Erik Brynjolfsson will explain how potential mismeasurement can arise from not fully accounting for such digital resources, while also putting forward a new metric labelled GDP-B, as it captures the benefits associated with new and free goods and is seen to go “beyond GDP”.

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Online Training Courses on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

From: Thursday Nov 25, 2021 through Wednesday Dec 01, 2021 - 1:00 to 12:45


Emmanuel Thanassoulis - Emeritus Professor in Management Sciences, Aston University

Ali Emrouznejad - Professor of Business Analytics, Aston University

Dimitris Girales - Lecturer of Business Statistics, Aston University

Location: Online - MS Teams


Deadline for registration: 15th November 2021

Registration fee: £490+

Early registration fee: Pay before 24th October 2021 to get 10% discount

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): 25-27 November 2021

Econometric Methods including SFA: 29 November-1 December 2021

The aim of these courses is to enable participants to understand the fundamentals of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and econometric methods including Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) as general purpose methods for efficiency and productivity analysis in complex multi-output and multi-input contexts in the production of goods and services. The courses will cover both the theory and the actual use of DEA and econometric methods. Sample real life and simulated contexts will be used. The DEA course will use the PIM DEA software, and the econometric/SFA course will utilise the STATA statistical software package for illustrative applications.

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Frontiers of Big Data, AI, and Analytics

From: Friday Oct 08, 2021 through Friday Oct 08, 2021 - 10:00 to 11:30


Michael Littman - Professor of Computer Science, Brown University

Location: Online - Zoom

Cost: FREE

Date and time: 8 October 2021 10:00AM - 11:30AM (Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT+11))

Discussion theme: Telling, Inspiring, Demonstrating, and Explaining: Getting Machines To Do What We Want

These days, pretty much everything is a computer, resulting in devices that are powerful and flexible. But they are only useful if they carry out our wishes. Programming was invented as a mechanism for communicating the steps we want machines to carry out, but some tasks have proven difficult for even expert programmers to express. Machine learning provides a broader palette of techniques for conveying our intent to computers. The talk will cover several advances in machine learning from the perspective of how we can use them to better express our wishes to computers.

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Two-day Course in Productivity and Efficiency Analysis Using R

From: Saturday Jun 06, 2020 through Sunday Jun 07, 2020 - 8:30 to 6:00

Presenter: Professor Chris O’Donnell

Location: Room 113, Chamberlain Building (35) UQ St Lucia

Cost: $1000 (inc GST) standard fee. $600 (inc GST) full-time students.

The course will focus on measures of productivity and efficiency that are of practical relevance to policymakers. Unlike many courses in productivity and efficiency analysis, this course will teach participants how to measure productivity change in ways that are consistent with measurement theory. Participants will then learn how piecewise frontier models (PFMs), deterministic frontier models (DFMs) and stochastic frontier models (SFMs) can be used to explain variations in productivity. Finally, participants will get hands-on experience analyzing productivity change using R.
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