The mission of the Society is to extend, mutatis mutandis, the General Scope of the Journal of Productivity Analysis The Society promotes the study of theoretical and applied research addressing the measurement, analysis, and improvements in productivity and its components, particularly innovation and efficiency. The Society supports and fosters research that uses theory and empirical techniques to measure productivity and provide business managers and public policy experts strategies to enhance productivity. The Society’s broad scope spans economics, management science, operations research, and business and public administration. A partial list of topics includes productivity theory, organizational design, index number theory, and related foundations of productivity analysis, computational methods employed in productivity analysis, and empirical studies based on data at all levels of aggregation.
The Society facilitates the following activities:
The Society is formally linked to our three international meetings in terms of planning and advertising and takes on a role coordinating smaller ad hoc productivity conferences and new larger international ones.
For administrative questions, please contact:
Refund Policy - Refunds on seminars and conferences will be given if cancellation is received more than 72 hours prior to the event. Membership fees and donations will only be refunded on a case-by-case basis.
Rice University • Economics Department, MS-22
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005-1892