The Argentinean, Chilean, and Uruguayan Agricultural Economics Associations along with the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) are delighted to invite you to the 2nd Inter-Conference Symposium 6to Congreso Regional de Economía Agraria and 1st Latin-American Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency. These joint Meetings will take place April 19-21, 2023, in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The overall theme is: “THE ROLE OF THE AGRIBUSINESS SECTOR IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF LATIN AMERICAN ECONOMIES.” However, abstracts focusing on broader agricultural economics, sustainability and productivity topics are welcome. This collaborative effort seeks to provide an expanded regional network for agricultural economists from all over Latin America focusing on the sustainable development of our rural economies. Providing a platform for discussion, exchange, and networking, we are seeking to strengthen the profession throughout the region. The regional associations of agricultural economics in collaboration with the IAAE, invite all their members to submit abstracts. We plan to publish a special issue of Agribusiness: An International Journal with a selection of the best papers presented focusing on agribusiness topics.
The recently formed International Society for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (ISEAPA), affiliated with the Journal of Productivity Analysis (JPA), also encourages its Founding Members and regular membership to participate in these meetings. The authors of the best papers presented related to Latin American efficiency and productivity will be invited by ISEAPA to submit a paper for possible publication in a Special issue of the JPA.
The abstract submission site will open August 1, 2022, and the deadline for reception will be November 15, 2022. However, Young Professionals applying for partial support need to submit no later than November 10, 2022. The link for abstract submission is on the website.
For any questions, please contact the organizers via email.
A link to the Conference website with additional information can be found here.
We are delighted to announce our two confirmed keynotes lectures:
Keynote Lecture 1:
Department of Economics, Emeritus
Stern School of Business, New York University
Recent Editor in Chief: Journal of Productivity Analysis
Editor in Chief: Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
Associate Editor: Economics Letters
Associate Editor: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Keynote Lecture 2:
Keough-Hesburgh Professor of Global Affairs
Associate Dean, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame
Note: The original Abstracts, or an updated version if preferred, submitted for the 2020 Montevideo symposium can be resubmitted.
Conference Time: April 19-21, 2023
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Information regarding traveling accommodations is available on the conference website.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: December 12, 2022
Submission deadline for young professionals applying for partial support: November 25, 2022
Follow this link.
Paper Submission FAQ
How do I add coauthors with my submission in Conference Maker?
You can add coauthors after submitting your paper by logging in to Conference Maker. Click on the paper ID, then click on Add Modify Authors. Click on Add New Author. In the search screen, enter the first name/last name of the person. This will return a list of people. Chances are your coauthors may already have a free account with Conference Maker. Click on the userID of the person you wish to add and follow the remaining prompts.
Please note that no submitter is required to enter coauthors if they do not want to do this. Generally, only the presenter and not all coauthors need to register for the conference; however, the registration form does not prohibit the coauthors from registering as participants if they want. By default, the submitter of a paper is assumed to be the presenter, and if a submitter cannot present, they should ask one of their coauthors to register and switch the submitter ID for their submission to be the ID of the coauthor who will present the paper.
For administrative questions, please contact:
Refund Policy - Refunds on seminars and conferences will be given if cancellation is received more than 72 hours prior to the event. Membership fees and donations will only be refunded on a case-by-case basis.
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